020 Did You Feel That?

nature prayer selfcare time

Did you feel that?


The awkward silence. 

The non-response. 

The bad news. 

The tough diagnosis. 

The job loss. 

The additional responsibilities.

The empty fridge.

The mounting bills. 

The too-tight jeans. 

The over-full calendar. 

The family obligations. 

The growing pile of laundry.

The relationship strain. 

The social avoidance. 


Did you feel that?


I did. 


Maybe you missed me last week, maybe you didn’t. 


But last week was evidently sponsored in part by “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once”…and I crawled into bed around 7:30 most nights; exhausted in every possible way. 


I was empty. 


We all know (whether we admit it or not) that you cannot pour from an empty vessel. 


I was empty. 


This week, I’m taking time to replenish my resources. 


For me, that starts with walks in nature without earbuds…just the sounds of birds and the wind in the trees, reading an actual hardcover book, and making homemade bread and my favorite pasta dish for dinner tonight for my husband and me. I’ll set a pretty table, light a few candles and we’ll play charades across the table after we eat. Seriously, we’ve done this since we first met and it’s one of my favorite things about us. 


We’ll play charades just about anywhere.  


In the long checkout line at Costco.  

After eating ice cream at Graeter’s.

Waiting at the airport. 


It’s our way of instantly reconnecting and getting back to our basics, our foundation…of romance, genuine laughter and communication. And I love it. 


In the coming weeks, I’ll be shifting some gears in my business… creating some new offers and changing my look a bit. 


If it’s not your thing….hit the unsubscribe and we’ll part ways as friends. 


If it is….it could be really exciting for the both of us. 


More to come…have a beautiful week. 


Go, fill your cup…however you do that. 


You can’t pour from an empty vessel. 


I believe in you,


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