019 The Time of Your Life

coach coachforwomen private coaching time

One quick Google search will show that there are approximately 1.1B (that’s with a B - billion!) songs with the word time in the title. It’s something that all of us have and none of us can escape. Time marches on (also a song title) …with or without us. As far as I know, no one has come up with the ability to make time stand still. 


We have the same 24 hours in each day that anyone else gets. What are you doing with yours?


With Daylight Savings Time occurring..how many conversations have you heard (or participated in) that revolve around time? An extra hour of sunlight…a lost hour of sleep…it all depends on how you look at it. 


Does it really matter, in the grand scheme of things if you lose an hour of sleep or gain an hour of sunlight if, in your waking hours, you absolutely hate what you're doing, aren't living the life you want, haven’t started the business you’ve dreamed of, created the art that’s rolling through your brain, or traveled to the places you long to see? What, indeed, is the point?


There IS a point.


You just keep missing it.


The point, so far as I can see, is to live up to your highest potential and development…and in doing so, make the world better for having been in it. 


You are no accident. You are very much on purpose. Stop treating yourself like an afterthought. 


You can do it alone…but you don't have to. 


Consider hiring a coach; Tony Robbins, that lady you follow on Instagram but never comment on, or…me. But get a coach and watch things change. 

NBA players, Olympic athletes, professional actors…all have coaches. 

The coaching relationship is unique. You, your worst habits, biggest hangups and greatest hopes are all of the highest priority. Total honesty is expected and absolutely necessary. No one from HR will monitor what you say. Your spouse, mother-in-law or best friend won’t be there to weigh in with their input. 


It’s just you, your coach and a world of potential. 


What do you want to do with all this time that you have? I mean, really?


At the very least, be intentional; own your stuff, stake your claims, work towards your dreams and grow in the process. 


You might love the outcomes.


If you’re ready to have a conversation about coaching, schedule a connection call.


If you’re not ready but still want to work on personal growth…read all of my previous blogs and put pen to paper for yourself. You are capable of so much more. 


Don’t you want it?


Time stands still for no one...

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